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There Are No Secrets



True Story...



To all of those that have been there before in some way.

It is too hard at first, but better later.




Remember Butterflies In February?




There was two feet of snow. I could barely stand up

with all of the pain that came with it.


My legs had decided that walking was a memory.

There had been an accident


Nothing quite like looking into the eyes of a friend

while she says, “Wait for the signal…” 


And you both wait for feet to move to find Christmas.


Weeks go by and there is a certain realization.




Move or die.


I decided that midnight would be the most kind to all - no one could see me.

The goal was to get to the door.


I had not been to the door for some time.


The bathroom was upstairs - this was the point in my

life that was called crawling up the stairs.

And then it was called crawling down the stairs.


Nine friends and family, including my brother had

passed away in the previous months – life.


The housing crisis took my house and because I could

barely walk, my business collapse


My cat took care of me. She sat by my side for

as long as it took. She knew love – us. 




The Goal - One Block.




I used to train for the Olympics. But tonight was one block.


Without dying.


The final definition of the end of your life.


One more time, I think… without dying.


Now stare at the door.


Now get to the door.


And suggest that a crawl can turn into standing and

all of the pain that will make it down the road.


Coat, hat, gloves – minus 10C.


Get to the porch.




Full moon – the porch is covered in ice and snow

Then to stairs. Then railing. Down stairs. Sidewalk…




The prayer is the only truth – This is going to hurt.


Everyone in some way has lived it…


The left leg is trying to remember.


You can feel the night and the snow is being sympathetic – quiet.


There aren’t two even footprints in the snow.


There is one step and then what drags behind

in the snow on the other side.


My left hand is clawed.


I have dropped and broken just about every dish I owned.




The only thought is to make it to the end of the block

and back or they will likely find me in a snowbank

in the morning not having made it.


So be it.




I remember again. I used to train for the Olympics.

This block at midnight is my Olympics.


Whatever I am doing has no semblance to running.


I drag my left side…


It is easy to run when all of the cylinders are firing.


Not tonight.


The end of the block and back is on one-half of a cylinder.


I made it.


Six months later I ran a 10km race on Father’s Day.


S  l  o  w  l  y...




I didn't know anything about the practice of One Percent

at the time but I learned how to live it and continue to apply it

everywhere I can in my life. 


I cal the practice of One Percent because it makes all the difference.


I use the phrases, "It has no choice." And, "It can't not happen."


Because improving just a little bit with the only intent virtually

guarantees that the goals you have in your life are achieved.


It is that simple - and almost effortless.


I call it...


The Millionaire Maker


Pick something you want to achieve and


It has no choice.


Please share your stories how One Percent has impacted

your life and inspire us all."


Copyright 2024. James P. Moore

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