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Copyright 2024. James P. Moore

Embracing the impossible. Edison moments.

Creation, invention and  insights at unexpected times."

Science, mathematics... You! 

"Of course, you never stop studying and exploring. What you learned years or decades ago at College or University sometimes finds a new glimmer of insight only after

many career seasons have passed. 


My education started with me staring

at a University for years in dirty coveralls and work boots wondering why it couldn't have been me those years back. Why them and not me?


But there was a day and a decision to sacrifice it all in order to get there. And I did. Systems Design Engineering. University of Waterloo.


I went from as blue collar as it gets in my part of the world to being asked by the Canadian government to guide the country into a better environmental future years later. The stories...


What are your education stories as a student and then into your career?


What exceptional opportunities and accomplishments have come your way?

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